Daily Journey of Design

The life of a Graphic Design student, mother and wife

Work work work!!

on October 19, 2014

For not having a full-time job away from home one would think that I have plenty of time on my hands. Wrong.  I never seem to have any time to do what I WANT to do.  I’m always running errands for other people or trying to catch up on house work and things to get our business going.  I love it when people call me and use the line “What are you doing today”? I have learned over time to stop saying “nothing, why whats up”?  That just opens a can of worms for the people who know that you don’t have a 9 to 5 job and want you to bend over backwards for them and run around for them because they assume you have all the time in the world.  Now when I get asked that question I never respond with “nothing”, LOL, I somehow always manage to get some time-consuming activity to roll off my tongue whether I’m actually going to be doing that is privileged information:)  Now don’t get me wrong I don’t mind helping people out here and there but everyone has a friend or two that always seems to have a favor to be done for them.  Wow this post kind of turned into a rant(LOL) but maybe for a reason.  There I feel better already.  Blog therapy, Gotta love it!  Anyways back to what I originally wanted to post….So today I have a few errands to run and then I need to rush back home and finish getting the yard cleaned up for winter.  It’s going to be a whopping 50 degrees here in good ole Wisconsin and I want to make the most of it since I may be the last nice weekend before the never ending winter.  After getting all that done for the day I am hoping to be able to do a few things I enjoy or want to do like pumpkin carving with the kids or editing some family photos.  I wouldn’t mind even doing some more on the website, I do enjoy that as well. Have a Great Sunday Everyone!!

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